Cyber Attack Simulation

Is your enterprise fit enough to fight off hacker attacks?

Once again, cyber attacks such as WannaCry and Petya have shown how clever hackers have become, and how advanced their methods are. And when they hit their targets, the damage they do is huge: not only do they cost you money, but they also endanger your reputation.

Put your enterprise to the test, with a realistic cyber attack

Do you want to know how far can a hacker go in your network, and what is the chance of success of a real targeted attack? We can let you know, by driving a simulated attack against your enterprise.

  • By simulating a cyber attack, we check the security in your enterprise.
  • You get to know how effectively protected you are against hacker attacks.
  • We identify weaknesses in the whole security system (technology, organisation and people)
  • Our experts give you concrete indications on how to optimise your cyber security.
  • Our cyber attack simulation poses the ideal basis for a targeted awareness campaign with real, enterprise-internal examples.

Our experts employ diverse targeted methods, such as for instance technical audits and penetration tests, social engineering techniques (spear Phishing, local physical attacks, malware) or research in social networks, in the Internet, and also in the Darknet.

After the attack you will receive a highly informative test report, in which you will find clearly explained how the vulnerabilities could be exploited by a hacker. In a closing workshop we will propose concrete solutions, and the following possible steps will be defined.

Are you interested? 

Please fill out the form to the right and we shall contact you as soon as possible!

You can find further information on our cyber attack simulation here!

Infosheet Cyber Attack Simulation

Cyber Attack Simulation
