Better protected against cyberattacks

Cyberattacks are one of the most serious threats to companies and institutions of all kinds. Nevertheless, many organisations are inadequately prepared for such incidents. InfoGuard meets these challenges with a customised workshop based on our many years of experience and well-established templates.

Our approach: fast, secure and efficient

We offer a professional preparation workshop where you can develop a complete incident response plan using our proven templates and best practice processes. The development of these templates is based on both the extensive experience of our IRR team (Incident Response Retainer) and valuable insights from the consulting sector. This ensures that the individually customized incident response plan is not only tried and tested, but can also be implemented quickly.


Figure: Elements of an effective incident response plan

Your benefits

  • Save time: We minimise your workload by providing you with ready-made, proven templates.
  • Rapid results: The templates enable rapid customisation and implementation, so you can respond quickly to cyber incidents.
  • Lasting security: We work with you to establish crisis procedures that you can continue to implement independently. We also discuss and implement continuous improvement measures to prevent future incidents.

Interested? Book our workshop!

Experience how our experienced team professionally guides you through the entire process and provides you with a customised, effective plan.

Interested? Contact our specialists at InfoGuard. Michael Güttinger, Principal Cyber Security Consultant, and Faruk Yüce, Cyber Security Consultant, will be happy to help and look forward to talking to you.

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Angebot Incident Response Plan (EN)