InfoGuard Cyber Security and Cyber Defence Blog

Why the human factor is more important for it security than technology

Written by Reinhold Zurfluh | 07 Feb 2017

Opportunity makes the thief. Sadly, this expression also holds true in respect of data theft. And it’s the reason why we strongly advise you not to cut corners in matters of security. In this article, we first provide some useful formulas for enhancing your cyber security. We also explain why, for your workforce, you should focus on awareness building and training and why it’s important to regularly review your information security systems. So let’s buckle up and get moving on our journey towards maximum cyber security in this, the third and final part of our Cyber Security Guide.

While information security and cyber security should be standard practice in every SME, they are generally seen as only incidental issues, rather than as central to the business. Why might this be? The answer is simple: primarily because security costs money. And as budgets shrink, this is often an area in which managers like to make savings. The second reason is that security is not directly visible but instead tends to run behind the scenes.

Last but not least: review, evaluate and optimise

At InfoGuard, we are absolutely convinced that it makes no sense to cut corners in matters of security. Doing so, in fact, can have lethal consequences. That’s why we advise you to consider the following steps to protect your business against data theft. You can, of course, decide for yourself which of these measures are most suitable for your organisation:


Last but not least: review, evaluate and optimise

Seeing, understanding, acting: these terms provide a practical explanation of what an increased awareness and understanding of security issues among your employees will involve. After all, one thing is clear: that the human factor plays a vital role in enhancing your business’s security levels. Building awareness means opening your employees’ eyes to the issues involved, gaining their attention and showing them the risks that exist in their daily activities. With your workforce, you should therefore focus on awareness and training. These are things you should definitely consider when devising a security awareness programme of this type:

  • Being responsive to and motivating your employees
  • Demonstrating the risks and the specific behaviours required
  • Transmitting relevant knowledge and highlighting the benefits
  • Gathering feedback and ensuring continuity

Last but not least: review, evaluate and optimise

Information security must – like any other aspect of your business – function efficiently and effectively. It goes without saying that the tools and resources to aid security should be deployed in an economical way. The challenge here is clear: if too much is invested in security measures, it will be seen as a waste of financial resources. If, on the other hand, too little is invested in security, this can have a drastic impact on your company’s success. The fact that the ROI of security expenditure is not particularly easy to measure further complicates matters. We therefore work on the principle of creating the optimum – not the maximum – levels of security.

Conclusion: your complete Cyber Security Guide and checklist

With these tips and the nine-point master plan from our Guide, you should be ...

a) ready and

b) prepaired for the task of developing your own cyber security strategy.


It takes just one click for you to receive your free-of-charge complete Cyber Security Guide including your personal checklist. Here’s the download link:



All set? If so... Then we’re happy! If not... Then get in touch with the specialists at InfoGuard by email or by phone. We looking forward to hearing from you and will be very happy to help as you develop your cyber security strategy