InfoGuard AG (Headquarter)
Lindenstrasse 10
6340 Baar
InfoGuard AG
Stauffacherstrasse 141
3014 Bern
InfoGuard Deutschland GmbH
Landsberger Straße 302
80687 Munich
The sixth edition of the in the meantime all over Switzerland well known InfoGuard Innovation Day took place on January 24th. More than 260 people (new record!) wanted to learn more about the trends for this year and what challenges await them. They were not let down: our 25 network and security partners, together with InfoGuard's security experts, on the one hand showed in 60 presentations, what huge threats the cyber world does have in store for us; on the other hand, innovative solution approaches were also introduced to the public. This post summarises what themes keep our guests most busy at the time; you will see what you have missed, and what surprises the Innovation Day did have in store for those who attended.
In short: the Innovation Day 2018 was once again a total success. We broke a record with over 260 visitors! This event is the perfect platform in which you can learn the ideas of specialists on the most diverse subjects, or have an exchange with other experts like yourself; or even just take care of networking. All our guests agree on this.
Now on to the subjects. Participants and experts agreed on the views, that the greatest challenges expect us in the domains of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), of cyber defence and hunting for APTs and cyber attacks. Read on, to learn more about each of the topics.
...and everyone knows – as it turned out at the Innovation Day this fact was clear to everyone. The revised version of the General Data Protection Regulation enters into force in May 2018 and affects a large part of Swiss companies. Our partner Varonis, who is a leading provider of data governance solutions, points out the greatest risks on the way to compliance. In most enterprises, the top issue is the almost unconceivable mass of unstructured data. Varonis's view, which of course we share, is that the best protection consists of checking and adapting access rights, classifying data according to levels of risks and promptly detecting and reacting to attacks. The latter is of huge importance, because any breach to the confidentiality of person related data must be reported to the supervising authority within 72 hours. Your company can find support in appropriate solutions, like the ones offered by our partner Varonis, that automate the identification of critical data, and thus simplify the establishment of access controls and the definition of security guidelines.
Our InfoGuard specialists have created and prepared a whitepaper with enclosed checklist especially for you, which you can download free by clicking the link below. In the paper you will find not only all relevant information in compact form, but also precious tips and practical guidance for achieving compliance. If you want to know more about the GDPR, we suggest that you read our previous blog posts and go deeper into the issue. And believe me, after reading this material you won't be so scared of the GDPR anymore.
Click here for the GDPR whitepaper!
Hunters who do not wish to take a shotgun in their hands, go hunting in the Internet – and they go after hackers. This is called “APT Hunting”, which our InfoGuard specialists from the Cyber Defence Center showed impressively at the event. An Advanced Persistent Threat (shortened to APT) consists of a hacker focusing on information he already knows and possesses; hunting for APTs is the exact opposite: our specialists focus on what the hacker does not know, or on the mistakes he makes. This particular cyber defence method is going to become very relevant in the future. Do you want to know more on APT Hunting? InfoGuard's Cyber Threat Intelligent Services provide you with complete protection against cyber threats, delivered – of course – by our in-house “hunting service” in Baar.
By now everyone has it clear, that hackers possess an unlimited, extremely effective arsenal of cyber weapons. In one of the presentations, InfoGuard's penetration testers gave an impressive demonstration of the sneaky methods that hackers use nowadays. It was arguably the most appreciated show of the day, since the room was packed, and someone had to be left out.
One of the subjects of the show was the “Rubber Ducky”, a USB stick that is not quite as harmless as it may seem at first sight: all it needs is to be stuck into your computer, and it will immediately take the helm, and for instance it may smuggle in a Trojan horse.
A totally different hacker gadget is the “HackRF One”, that can send and receive any radio signal. Our pentesters were able to use the thing, for instance, to open a car, or to snack at the expense of other InfoGuard colleagues by using their RF code at the automatic snack dispenser (of course it was only for educational purposes). Telephone calls and SMS can be easily intercepted with a HackRF One; or if you don't feel creative, you may just use it to listen to your favourite radio station.
You couldn't make it this year? No problem! On January 23rd, 2019, you will have another chance to take part at our next Innovation Day! And since we don't want to tax your patience too much on the way we shall hold lots of other events. At our Security Breakfasts, you will get not only free coffee and croissants but also news on the latest solutions by our partners; or you may want to visit the legendary InfoGuard Security Lounge on June 18th, 2018. Save the date right away, and subscribe to our newsletter so you won't miss the registration!
Of course, you should never miss any of our events. However, we will still keep you informed on the latest cyber security news in our Cyber Security & Cyber Defence Blog, where you get weekly updates on what is moving in the cyber security world and you receive, free-of-charge, tips and suggestions in the form of white papers and checklists. Subscribe now to our blog update !