InfoGuard Cyber Security and Cyber Defence Blog

AI and Cybersecurity [Part 1]: Fine-tuning between potential and risk

Geschrieben von André Mäder | 16 Sep 2024

Advancing digitalisation and rapid developments in the field of artificial intelligence are unleashing immense potential – but also risks! While the benefits of AI technologies for companies and society are obvious today, the associated challenges and risks often remain hidden and require careful monitoring. This guide will help you to strengthen your company’s security strategy and establish a sensible risk management system for the use of AI.

Imagine if your company could automate daily routine tasks and take both efficiency and customer loyalty to a new level.

Artificial intelligence makes it possible! AI takes over repetitive tasks and carries out complex data analyses for you. On the one hand, this favours a significant increase in productivity and service quality. On the other hand, it helps business owners make the right decisions and automates marketing analyses.

AI and the revolution in customer service

Artificial intelligence also offers deeper insights into conscious and unconscious customer behaviour and their preferences. AI-supported tools and analyses enable personalised marketing strategies that give customers the feeling of being looked after individually. AI therefore contributes indirectly to increasing customer loyalty and boosting sales.

Specific examples of AI-supported applications include:

  • Platforms such as Netflix, Amazon, YouTube and Spotify use AI to offer users personalised recommendations based on their previous activities – thereby bolstering customer satisfaction and loyalty.
  • Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems – such as Salesforce Einstein or HubSpot – use artificial intelligence to support sales and marketing teams in personalising interactions and predicting customer needs.
  • Chatbots offer fast, uncomplicated and time-independent support with access to product information and communication skills using natural language.

Alarmingly though, the “dark side” is also working on such models and is continuously expanding its expertise. As a result, cyberattacks continue to rise in our everyday lives. But are there effective strategies and solutions to protect your AI applications from cyber threats?

6 proven approaches for the safe use of AI applications

The opportunities offered by AI, cybersecurity and digitalisation are considerable and offer companies and society the chance to develop and grow. But how can we make the most of these opportunities – while minimising the risks at the same time?

We take a closer look at six measures:

1.    Proactive planning and control:

Companies should develop a long-term digital strategy that takes into account both the opportunities and the risks. Solid planning lays the foundation for a successful digital transformation.

2.    Investment in technology and training: 

Invest in the latest technologies and continuously train your employees. This ensures that your company is always up to date and can counter threats effectively.

3.    Culture of safety and innovation:

Promote a corporate culture that prioritises both safety and innovation. This creates an environment in which employees actively contribute to minimising risks and maximising opportunities.

4.    Improved detection rates:

Artificial intelligence is able to identify threats faster and more accurately than conventional methods. By using appropriate AI applications, you enable early detection of complex attacks and significantly reduce the risk of data theft and other security incidents.

5.    Faster response times:

React more quickly to attacks thanks to the automation of security processes.

6.    Risk management and decision-making:

AI-based tools help to assess risks more precisely and cost-effectively and thus make well-founded decisions. In addition, AI applications provide comprehensive reports and analyses that support managers in the development and implementation of safety strategies. New (AI) risks can also be integrated into existing risk management solutions.  

Table 1: Six recommendations for the safe use of AI applications

Artificial intelligence is a dynamically growing technology. Actively engage with the latest developments, review security strategies that ensure responsible use and foster a culture of security and innovation. The future is digital: Companies that proactively prepare for these changes will benefit the most.

The top 4 challenges and how to overcome them

The threat situation is constantly changing: The increasing sophistication of cyber criminals is challenging companies to keep up with the “dark side”. Investing in the latest security solutions and continuously adapting security strategies is a must!

We highlight the four key challenges and your countermeasures:

  1. Framework conditions (in particular data protection and ethical concerns): The use of AI must be carefully planned in order to comply with applicable legal requirements and ethical standards and to anticipate future framework conditions as far as possible.
  2. Complexity and costs: The introduction of AI technologies and their long-term operation are complex and involve considerable costs. Check whether available alternatives have already been considered.
  3. False-positive alarms: AI systems can trigger false alarms – potentially leading to losses in efficiency. These can be reduced by continuously adapting and improving the systems.
  4. Qualified employees: A professional approach to artificial intelligence is essential and requires specialised knowledge, which must be imparted through additional training. This knowledge should be taken into account during the recruitment process.

Although this list is not exhaustive, it is an impressive illustration: Despite the opportunities outlined above, the integration of AI applications also harbours a significant risk for your company-wide security strategy.

Conclusion: AI as the key to ensuring cyber security

The combination of artificial intelligence, cybersecurity and digitalisation is paving the way for a promising entrepreneurial future. Secure AI use makes work processes more efficient and enables threats to be detected and combated more quickly and comprehensively – all this significantly enhancing the company’s security.

Use the advantages of artificial intelligence to protect your company against increasing cyber threats. A proactive approach to cybersecurity is not only effective protection for your company – it’s also a sensible measure that strengthens trust among your customers and partners.

AI Gap Analysis: From euphoria to responsible AI use

Artificial intelligence is causing a stir worldwide – amid much euphoria and (seemingly) limitless promises. Although society is enthusiastically discussing the opportunities awaiting us with AI, the economy is (still) confronted with numerous unanswered questions.

Companies are facing uncertainties such as:

  • The commercial use of AI tools lacks a holistic risk assessment and meaningful governance.
  • We operate our own AI applications – yet we’re unsure about the impact, challenges and legal requirements posed by AI.
  • We’ve implemented Microsoft M365 – but what risks does Microsoft CoPilot harbour?

Our AI Gap Analysis clarifies these and other questions while revealing possible solutions and measures – so you can participate in the digital (r)evolution and shape your entrepreneurial future securely and successfully with AI.

AI and cybersecurity, the three-part blog series

Deepen your knowledge about the possibilities offered by AI technologies for your digital security strategy. We’ll accompany you on this journey with our blog series “AI and Cybersecurity”.

Coming soon:

AI and Cybersecurity Part 2: Digitalisation and testing

AI and Cybersecurity Part 3: Challenges of AI as a service

It’s that simple: Subscribe to blog updates and receive parts 2 and 3 directly in your mailbox.


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